Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Findings From My Current Research Indicate That It

The findings from my current research indicate that it is true that poor nutrition negatively affects the academic performance of the students. Also, the study shows that when the students are given meals with good nutrient content, it is significant because it supports their growth and development as well as improve their cognitive development (Langford, et. al, 2014). The study showed that majority of the students who performed poorly in their tests are the one that is fed in meals that lack nutrients. Those participants who prefer nutritional choices that are full of fruits and vegetables recorded better academic achievements. Since the study reveals that poor nutrition contributes to the poor academic achievement of the students, the†¦show more content†¦al, 2014). This survey did not assess the associations between academic performance and health of the students. Most of the policy makers and researchers have focused more on the perspective for health to enhance intellectual function, academic performance and learning among school going children. These studies have shown that well-being and health are important aspects required for appropriate learning (Jensen, 2013). On the other hand, numerous researchers had acknowledged the association between poor nutrition and school performance among children. This means that the kind of food children consumers may affect their school attendance, attention and concentration on class, cognitive development, and even academic achievement (Luo, et.al 2012). A study conducted by Bradley Greene (2013), has revealed that poor nutrition among the school going children is the cause of health problems which hinder learning in schools. For instance, when some children possess auditory and vision impairment due to malnutrition, their learning is greatly affected, and this can contribute to poor academic achievement. The recommendation from the study indicates that to improve the quality of education and academic performance of the school-going children; there should be efforts to enhance the health and nutrition status that theShow MoreRelatedPolitics And Politics Through The United States Citizenship, Involvement ( Cid ) Survey1469 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction and Research Question I have chosen to analyze the topics of trust and politics through the United States Citizenship, Involvement (CID) Survey. The paper is composed of four segments; theories and hypotheses, data and methods, findings and discussion. I will be exploring further how one’s ability to trust other individuals and their frequency in watching news programs about politics and current events plays a role in trust in Congress. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Examine the Different Methods for Giving Constructive...

Unit 9: Mini-essay: Examine the different methods for giving constructive (practical) feedback to learners and discuss how these can motivate learners. Giving constructive feedback is crucial; without it learners cannot learn (Rogers, 2004). When used to emphasise progress rather than failure, it motivates learners, building confidence and enabling them to recognise mistakes as part of a process that brings them closer to their learning goals. It can help both teacher and student to identify further learning opportunities or action to be taken. Feedback can be formal, such as after marking an assignment or observing practice, or given informally during a lesson (Gravells, 2012.) It can also be written or verbal. Written feedback†¦show more content†¦This boosts morale by giving the student ownership of the solution. It also develops a student’s ability to carry out future self assessment and encourages reflection. Lastly, it allows the teacher to gauge how much the student has understood. This helps when setting future goals that are challenging but achievable – crucial to engagement. Focusing on only two or three key points during feedback means students are not overwhelmed by any critical comments, preventing them from becoming dispirited (Avis, Fisher and Thompson, 2010). There is also a limit to how much new information a learner can grasp at once. Praising what the student has done well, outlining areas that need further development and then ending on another positive note will motivate the student and help prevent them focusing on any aspect they may perceive as negative. Petty (2009) says this makes feedback sound more like advice and less like criticism. For oral feedback to be constructive, it must be clear, jargon free, factual and provide reasons for any success or failure so that students can act upon any areas that require improvement. This is supported by research conducted by Weeden, Winter and Broadfoot (2000 cited in Avis, Fisher and Thompson, 2010, p.172) involving 200 learners, aged from eight to 19. The study found that simple comments, ticks or evaluative comments such as â€Å"good work†, while welcomed byShow MoreRelatedPtlls Level 311404 Words   |  46 Pagesin the society. It is more than simply lecturing and marking students works. Learners come from different backgrounds and with different problems, hopes and expectations which have to be understood and addressed before effective learning can take place. As such in addition to my primary role of being a facilitator, I will have to play the roles of parent, psychologist, protector, motivator, role models to some learners. I will also have to collaborate with some agencies and organisations in orderRead MoreRoles and Responsibilities of a Teacher9859 Words   |  40 Pagescovers the application of learning styles to identify the differences of my learners. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Contemporary Diversity Issues in Communication Free Essays

If there is one particularly adverse effect of globalization, that is the homogenization of culture and the subservience of minority or ethnic cultures and languages under the dominant one. It is a phenomenon that if allowed to continue unabated can lead to the extinction of minority languages and culture, which in effect can lead to the loss of the uniqueness that renders individuals with their own creative individuality. In a world that purports to celebrate diversity, it is ironic that communication seems to be leaning towards homogenization or standardization of forms. We will write a custom essay sample on Contemporary Diversity Issues in Communication or any similar topic only for you Order Now Globalization necessitates the need for the homogenization of communication because in an age of international businesses, language diversity can hinder trade relations and transactions. Using one form of communication facilitates interaction and leaves very little room for misinterpretation. Languages develop out of the user’s need to express themselves. As such, it is fair to say that all languages are equal. This equality means that all languages, regardless of their characteristics and linguistic qualities, all meet the social and psychological needs of the users. (Crystal, 1987, p.6) They are tailor made to the unique circumstances of the people and culture that created them. In the face of unrelenting globalization, these unique languages and cultures are giving way to a standard form. The standard form imposes itself upon other languages in the form of linguistic prescription or prescriptive norms in culture, defining a standard form or ways of doing for a specific purpose or activity. Prescriptive norms serve as a controlling force that is exerted by the community over its members (Punder 2000, p. 141), and globalization imposes the homogenization of language and culture to facilitate communication and relations. While the usefulness and convenience of having a standard language or culture, particularly in a business environment, cannot be dismissed, this way of thinking brings to the table a lot of complications; not the least of which is stereotyping and its resultant complications like cultural and political discrimination. As John Fought (2007) once said, â€Å"Language has always helped to signify who we are in society, sometimes serving as a basis for exclusion. † The determination of the use of a standard language is largely a function of political and economic power, in an act of acknowledgment of a certain culture’s dominance over the rest. A standard form of language and culture will be of no use when there is no variation in the first place. There is a need to standardize because the diversity in our languages requires us to lessen the confusion and make for efficient transaction of our ordinary activities and important businesses. Because language is a fundamental aspect of culture, it is therefore only natural that we become defined or identified by our native language. Difficulties can arise if we are not fluent in the standard language being used in a particular place. In such cases, when we do not know the standard form of communication, we are immediately labeled as â€Å"foreigners†, or not born native to the place, a label that carries with it an entirely new set of biases and stereotypes that limits the opportunities that would have otherwise been available to the individual. The need to conform is related to the prestige that is associated with being able to act and communicate according to the dominant language or culture. (Abrams et al 2005, p. 120) Related to the issue of race is the issue of social class. There are some people who have more linguistic powers at their disposal and are able to use this fluency to their advantage. (Bonfiglio, 2002, p. 12) Fluency in language often connotes good breeding and education. Conversely, if you have difficulties in the standard language, other people will consider it as a statement of weakness or lack of social status. Of course it should also be said that the bias also goes the other way. In most third-world countries, those who speak a foreign language or have foreign accents are considered first class citizens and are given preferential treatment in all aspects of their functional activities. What we speak and how we speak, reflects our history as an individual. How we speak makes a statement about who we are as a person and a measure of who we could be Either way, these stereotyping based on one’s communication style is very counter-productive and corrosive to the individual. Aside from discrimination and stereotyping, homogenization of communication is also adversely affecting the rich diversity of our world’s languages, particularly on dialects. As prescriptive norms of standardized communication forms threaten the extinction of minority languages and dialects, it also slows language change. Language change is a natural process in the evolution of our languages. Language is constantly in flux, ever adapting to the needs and realities of the times. It ever-changing and shifting its form, evolving in a process that is very much akin to natural selection. Language change is not so much a preference over one language variant, but the removal of a language that is socially inappropriate or no longer useful, for some reason or another.  (Lippi-Green, 1997, p. 173) With the presence of a homogenized form of communication and culture, the normal evolution that should have taken place to strengthen local languages and make them constantly relevant has been forcefully suppressed by the imposition of a uniform language or code that is universal to all situations. In light of this, language change becomes almost unnecessary because the homogenized form of communication has removed the necessity for the local language to adapt because the change has been imposed artificially by the dominant culture. Globalization presupposes the interaction of various cultures. Over man’s collective history, culture exchange has resulted in the constant evolution of cultures as it gets constantly exposed to another culture. This is a two-way process that enriches the culture of all those involved. In a process called acculturation, a certain group of people imbibe new ways of doing without necessarily changing their distinct identity. Acculturation represents the adaptation of a certain culture to change but keeping their culture uniquely their own. However, in this age of homogenization, acculturation has come to mean the slow erosion and subservience of the ethnic culture under the dominant one. (Castro 2003, p. 19) Thus, acculturation can be considered as a process of culture change where the foreigners or minorities must adapt in order to survive. In other words, this refers to the homogenization of communication and culture in order to flourish in a global community. This discourse does not mean to present language and cultural homogenization in a bad light. In some cases, such homogenization is truly necessary to facilitate communication and exchange similar to what a standard currency will do. What is important to remember is that a standard form of communication can be learned without having to sacrifice our own native languages and culture. Our ability to learn a language is elastic, and we can speak as many variations without necessarily affecting the other. To learn one form of language does not necessarily mean that we have to supplant the old one.. In an era of globalization where the language of trade becomes the dominant form, the ability to communicate in the standard language is a definite advantage. However with that being said, the value of the mother tongue should never be forgotten. The respect that we have for our own cultural heritage renders us with our own unique identities. And in an era of globalization, where everything is being homogenized we need to hang on to that identity or stand to lose everything about ourselves that makes us special, and thus indispensible to our community. How to cite Contemporary Diversity Issues in Communication, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Comments on Mona Lisa Smile Essay Sample free essay sample

The narrative took gait in 1953. when the 2nd women’s release bit by bit arisen. However. some educational establishment in American. expecially Wellesley College. the most conservative college in the state. still doggedly performed the mission that male society endowed: to cultivate adult females with both moral unity and professional competency. When Katherine Watson. a first –year instructor from Oakland State. who ever sought truth beyond tradition. got a place in the Art History section in Wellesley College. contradiction between her feminist idea and pupils under the influence of male jingoism was stirring. Most of pupils in Wellesley College were good educated with all right household background. They gave Katherine a cautiousness in the first category. In their head. the definition of success was to get married a good adult male and the function they born to make full was to be a good married woman. In this conservative state of affairs. Katherine tried to open her students’ head to make whatever they want. She encouraged her pupils to be themselves. to go professionals in field they loved. to better their economic hereafters. It seemed that she used her art learning as a vehicle to set across her sentiment to the immature adult females that adult females were non born to go homemakers and female parents. Katherine wanted to do a difference and make more things in life instead than entirely follow the functions of married womans and female parents. I can neer bury she showed her pupils carcase by Soutine 1925. and said. â€Å"There’s besides no text edition stating you what to think† . In those misss sentiment. the carcase can non be called art ; â€Å"there is something aggressive about it and erotic† . I asked myself. what is art? Can a conservative creative person go a successful creative person? I can neer bury. in one scene of the film. she showed her pupils four newspaper ads. and asked what future bookmans would believe of the thought that adult females were born to be homemakers and female parents. From her tearful eyes. I can see outrage. perplexity. and weakness. I can neer bury she introduced Van Gogh. who refused to conform his ideals to popular gustatory sensation. who refused to compromise his unity. to her backward-looking pupils. When Van Gogh alived. no 1 thought Sunflower was a art. but after his idioctonia. the Sunflower became world-famous. Katherine was merely like another Sunflower. who was resisted by standpatter. If she was non retentive plenty. she would be strangled. There was no uncertainty that Katherine’s ways of learning were contrary to school’s managers. who believed steadfastly that Katherine should merely learn art alternatively of utilizing category to distribute her point of position. The conservative headmistress warned Katherine she would lose her occupation if she non alter herselve to suit in Wellesley. There were legion unreasonable treaties in Katherine new contract. including â€Å"you can learn merely the course of study as outlined by the section ; all lesson programs must be submitted at the beginning of every term for approve and alteration ; you shall non supply advocate beyond her ain topic for any pupil at any clip ; you will agreee to keep a stricty professional relationship with all members of the faculty† . Katherine choosed to go forth finially. but her independent. creativity. adamancy. and loving bosom so made a difference. It was Katherine that helped pupils in Wellesley College agitate off the yoke of traditional Feudalism. I am happy to see that Betty marched toward her ain life courageously. and no thirster was in the charge of her female parent. Katherine lelt Wellesley College with smiling. which was so warm that affected many people. including me. Eight old ages ago. I have a good friend named Lucy. whose household ties ever made her somber. Her male parent had sweetheart ectad and hadly went place. When he return place. there must be a drastic war. Her hapless female parent ever grined and beared it. I had of all time asked Lucy’s female parent why she didn’t acquire a divorce. In fact. she could populate a happy life independently. She had a good occupation with high income and had no demand trusting on her hubby. She said she could bear any grudge every bit long as Lucy had a integrated famiy. When I was immature. I regarded her as a great female parent for her jet of forfeit. However. when I grew up small by small. I realized that her forfeit was meaningless. It is no good to hold a place which exists in name merely. It brought to kids merely agony instead than felicity. Lucy was driven to terrible depressive unwellness and barely pass on with any one. expecially her female parent. It was Lucy’s mother’s forfeit and patience that ruin Lucy and herself felicity. Last winter holiday. I visit Lucy and her female parent. Lucy had discontinued her surveies due to her depressive unwellness. although had of all time been a top pupil. Her female parent. who was of all time a beautiful adult females with professional competency. had lost occupation and became more decrepit than adult females in her group of age. How can a female parent. who ever inhibit her desire to seek happy life. convey up a mentally wellness kid? How can a kid cultivited a healthy head educated by a imbalanced and painful female parent? How can a individual who non loves herself loves others? How can a adult females who dares non be herself becomes succeful? In fact. the calamity is inevitable owing to Lucy’s Mother’s traditional idea. Womans are neer inferior compared with work forces. They are non appendage of work forces. although the narrative that Adam’s rib created Eve are still widely circulated. We have right to make what we want. to seek freedom. felicity. success. What we need is independent personality instead than blind patience. I don’t average being a homemaker was bad than being a able adult females or celebrated adult females. I merely hope that whatever pick we had made. we are ever loyal to our head. instead than other thing forces us to do determination. Like Joan. although she eventually gave up endeavor and chosen household. can we state she was wrong or unsuccessful? Everyone has right to chossen their ain route. Populate our lives by our ain definition. and this is life.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Photosynthesis Essays (984 words) - Photosynthesis, Plant Physiology

Photosynthesis II.) Introduction / Objective Photosynthesis is the process by which chlorophyll - containing organisms - such as green plants, algae, and some bacteria - capture energy from light and convert it to chemical energy. For the process of photosynthesis to take place the organism must contain chloroplasts. Chlorophyll is responsible for the green color in plants and is also responsible for their ability to photosynthesize. Photosynthesis is usually carried out in the leaves of green plants, but it can also take place in other parts of the plant such as the stem. The balanced chemical equation for photosynthesis is: Sunlight + 6CO2 + H2O --yields-C6H12O6 + 6O2 The purpose of this lab is to answer the question, Is sunlight required for photosynthesis? III.) Experimental Design / Materials and Methods The first experiment was called Separating Plant Pigments. In this first experiment the materials that you need are a piece of green plant (collard greens), a piece of chromatography paper, solvent, and a test tube. The first thing you do is take your green plant and fold it up tightly. Second, you lay the plant on the chromatography paper and smash parts of the plant onto the paper. Next you mark the outside of the tube with a wax pencil where the bottom of the pigments are. Then we take the paper back out of the tube and add the solvent to the bottom of the test tube. Next we have to wait fifteen to twenty minutes for the see what will happen to the paper. The purpose of this experiment is to see how many different pigments will separate from the green plants. The second experiment was called Detecting Carbon Dioxide Absorption in Green Plants. In the second experiment that was conducted the materials needed are three large test tubes, some Elodea plants, bromthymol blue solution, and a piece of tin foil. The first thing you do is place pieces of the Elodea plant in two of the test tubes. Second you add the bromthymol blue solution, which is a carbon dioxide indicator, to the test tube nearly to the top. The third tube is filled with bromthymol blue solution and is used as a control so that you can compare color change. Next you wrap one of the Elodea containing tubes in tin foil so that it does not receive sunlight. The other Elodea containing tube should be placed in the light. All should remain this way for a twenty-four hour period. The purpose of this experiment is to detect when carbon dioxide is released or gained. The third experiment is called Detecting Starch in Leaves. Starch is not a result of photosynthesis, but we think that it came from sugars produced during photosynthesis. The materials needed for this experiment are a hot plate, two small beakers, water, ethanol, a leaf from a Coleus plant exposed to light; a light deprived plant, and an iodine solution. The first thing you do is boiling the light exposed leaf in water for one minute. Next you boil the same leaf in ethanol for one minute or until the leaf has turned white. Take the leaf out of the ethanol and place it on a small petri dish and soak it in the iodine solution. If the plant contains starch the color of the iodine will change from a rusty red color to a dark purple or black. Next you take the light deprived plant and boil it for one minute in water. Take it out of the water and place it in the ethanol solution and boil it for one minute. Take the leaf out of the ethanol and place it on a small petri dish and cover it in iodine. The purpose if this experiment is to detect starch in green plants. IV.) Results In the first lab that was conducted our results came out positive that light is required for photosynthesis to occur. In this experiment I had three color pigments to separate out on to the chromatography paper. Photosynthesis was present in these because the pigments contained chlorophyll a, which plays an important part in photosynthesis. The other pigments contained carotene and xanthrophylls, which are both present in photosynthesis. In the second experiment we used Elodea plants and

Monday, November 25, 2019

Battle of Plattsburgh - War of 1812 - Thomas MacDonough

Battle of Plattsburgh - War of 1812 - Thomas MacDonough Battle of Plattsburgh - Conflict Dates: The Battle of Plattsburgh was fought September 6-11, 1814, during the War of 1812 (1812-1815). Forces Commanders United States Master Commandant Thomas MacDonoughBrigadier General Alexander Macomb14 warships3,400 men Great Britain Captain George DownieLieutenant General Sir George Prà ©vost14 warshipsapprox. 10,000 men Battle of Plattsburgh - Background: With the abdication of Napoleon I and the apparent end of the Napoleonic Wars in April 1814, large numbers of British troops became available for service against the United States in the War of 1812. In an effort to break the deadlock in North America, around 16,000 men were dispatched to Canada to aid in an offensive against American forces. These came under the command of Lieutenant General Sir George Prà ©vost, the Commander-in-Chief in Canada and Governor General of the Canadas. Though London preferred an attack on Lake Ontario, the naval and logistical situation led Prà ©vost to advance up Lake Champlain. Battle of Plattsburgh - The Naval Situation: As in previous conflicts such as the French Indian War and American Revolution, land operations around Lake Champlain required control of the water for success. Having lost control of the lake to Commander Daniel Pring in June 1813, Master Commandant Thomas MacDonough embarked on a naval building program at Otter Creek, VT. This yard produced the corvette USS Saratoga (26 guns), the schooner USS Ticonderoga (14), and several gunboats by late spring 1814. Along with the sloop USS Preble (7), MacDonough used these vessels to reassert American dominance on Lake Champlain. Battle of Plattsburgh - Preparations: To counter MacDonoughs new vessels, the British began construction of the frigate HMS Confiance (36) at Ile aux Noix. In August, Major General George Izard, the senior American commander in the region, received orders from Washington, DC to take the bulk of his forces to reinforce Sackets Harbor, NY on Lake Ontario. With Izards departure, the land defense of Lake Champlain fell to Brigadier General Alexander Macomb and a mixed force of around 3,400 regulars and militia. Operating on the west shore of the lake, Macombs small army occupied a fortified ridge along the Saranac River just south of Plattsburgh, NY. Battle of Plattsburgh - The British Advance: Eager to begin the campaign south before the weather turned, Prà ©vost became increasingly frustrated with Prings replacement, Captain George Downie, over construction issues on Confiance. As Prà ©vost chafed over the delays, MacDonough added the brig USS Eagle (20) to his squadron. On August 31, Prà ©vosts army of around 11,000 men began moving south. To slow the British advance, Macomb sent a small force forward to block roads and destroy bridges. These efforts failed to hinder the British and they arrived in Plattsburgh on September 6. The next day minor British attacks were turned back by Macombs men. Despite the massive numerical advantage enjoyed by the British, they were hampered by friction in their command structure as the veterans of the Duke of Wellingtons campaigns were frustrated by the cautiousness and unpreparedness of Prà ©vost. Scouting west, the British located a ford across the Saranac that would allow them to assault the left flank of the American line. Intending to attack on September 10, Prà ©vost desired to make a feint against Macombs front while striking his flank. These efforts were to coincide with Downie attacking MacDonough on the lake. Battle of Plattsburgh - On the Lake: Possessing fewer long guns than Downie, MacDonough assumed a position in Plattsburgh Bay where he believed his heavier, but shorter range carronades would be most effective. Supported by ten small gunboats, he anchored Eagle, Saratoga, Ticonderoga, and Preble in a north-south line. In each case, two anchors were used along with spring lines to allow the vessels to turn while at anchor. Delayed by unfavorable winds, Downie was unable to attack on September 10 forcing the entire British operation to be pushed back a day. Nearing Plattsburgh, he scouted the American squadron on the morning of September 11. Rounding Cumberland Head at 9:00 AM, Downies fleet consisted of Confiance, the brig HMS Linnet (16), the sloops HMS Chubb (11) and HMS Finch, and twelve gunboats. Entering the bay, Downie initially desired to place Confiance across the head of the American line, but variable winds prevented this and he instead assumed a position opposite Saratoga. As the two flagships began battering each other, Pring succeeded in crossing in front of Eagle with Linnet while Chubb was quickly disabled and captured. Finch attempted to assume a position across the tail of MacDonoughs line but drifted south and grounded on Crab Island. Battle of Plattsburgh - MacDonoughs Victory: While Confiances initial broadside did heavy damage to Saratoga, the two ships continued to trade blows with Downie being struck down. To the north, Pring began pounding Eagle with the American brig unable to turn to counter. At the opposite end of the line, Preble was forced from the fight by Downies gunboats. These were finally checked by determined fire from Ticonderoga. Under heavy fire, Eagle cut its anchor lines and began to drift down the American line allowing Linnet to rake Saratoga. With most of his starboard guns out of action, MacDonough used his spring lines to turn his flagship. Bringing his undamaged portside guns to bear, he opened fire on Confiance. The survivors aboard the British flagship attempted a similar turn but became stuck with the frigates undefended stern presented to Saratoga. Unable to resist, Confiance struck its colors. Again pivoting, MacDonough brought Saratoga to bear on Linnet. With his ship outmatched and seeing that resistance was futile, Pring also surrendered. As at the Battle of Lake Erie a year before, the US Navy had succeeded in capturing an entire British squadron. Battle of Plattsburgh - On Land: Beginning around 10:00 AM, the feint against the Saranac bridges on Macombs front was easily repulsed by the American defenders. To the west, Major General Frederick Brisbanes brigade missed the ford and was forced to backtrack. Learning of Downies defeat, Prà ©vost decided that any victory would be meaningless as American control of the lake would prevent him from being able to resupply his army. Though late, Robinsons men went into action and were having success when they received orders from Prà ©vost to fall back. Though his commanders protested the decision, Prà ©vosts army began retreating north to Canada that night. Battle of Plattsburgh - Aftermath: In the fighting at Plattsburgh, American forces sustained 104 killed and 116 wounded. British losses totaled 168 killed, 220 wounded, and 317 captured. In addition, MacDonoughs squadron captured Confiance, Linnet, Chubb, and Finch. For his failure and due to complaints from his subordinates, Prà ©vost was relieved of command and recalled to Britain. The American victory at Plattsburgh along with the successful Defense of Fort McHenry, aided American peace negotiators at Ghent, Belgium who were attempting to end the war on a favorable note. The two victories helped offset the defeat at Bladensburg and subsequent Burning of Washington the previous month. In recognition of his efforts, MacDonough was promoted to captain and received a Congressional gold medal. Selected Sources Historic Lakes: Battle of Plattsburgh Battle of Plattsburgh Association

Friday, November 22, 2019

Homeland Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Homeland Security - Essay Example Currently, it employs more than 16,500 members from military and civil sectors accumulatively. Moreover, its network can also be observed to spread worldwide rendering greater access to valuable information concerning the homeland security issues (Defense Intelligence Agency, 2013). c. Mission The principle mission of DIA is to provide safety and security to the population of the US from unsocial and criminal activities with the assistance of policymakers, war-fighters and defense planners. However, it also intends to assist other nations in securing their homelands (Defense Intelligence Agency, 2013). 2. Role in Homeland Defense a. What does the agency itself say about its own role in homeland defense? The role of DIA can be identified to be principally focused on the collection of valuable and highly reliable information through human and technical resources comprising documentary affairs and managing media from all around the world. It also attempts to evaluate the impacts caused by foreign military affairs to the US civilian policymakers and commanders in the military sectors of the nation. ... As revealed by Schmitt (2012), DIA has been expanding its reach in the global dimension to avail more in-depth information concerning the terrorism activities which is now intended to be encompassing spy operations especially designed for Afghanistan and Iraq . Hence, it can be affirmed that over the past years, DIA has been actively performing its activities to satisfy its mission as an intelligence agency. 3. Summarize and Discuss Since its establishment, the DIA has been actively reporting multiple instances of planned terrorism attacks making the military force of the nation more cautious to combat such disasters. For instance, as the DIA had reported, around 61 detainees who had been released from the prison of Guantanamo Bay had joined terrorism groups by the year 2009. This particular information was further confirmed with a report, recent to the release of the terrorism activities which revealed that few of those detainees had already shipped to the border area of Afghanistan and Pakistan by 2004. This information proved to be quite effective for the US military force to take precautionary measures in dealing with the issue (Lucas, 2010). 4. Core Values a. List of Core Values of DIA The core values of DIA are identified as teamwork, integrity, excellence and service (Defense Intelligence Agency, 2013). b. Discuss how the core values of each of the three agencies compare with the SLU core values DIA maintains its core values through cooperation among members at every level of its operations fostering development of the community in all spheres, with especial concern to its defense or security system. Its strategies has been thus focused towards accomplishing its sole objective to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

What is the Role of Ethnicity in Africa Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

What is the Role of Ethnicity in Africa - Essay Example 138). In a simple way, ethnicity refers to a group of people who share same ancestral background, language, lifestyles and culture. From the above definition, enmity among Hutu, Tutsi and Twa relates to the above definition. Ethnicity led to a political divide in Rwanda (Scott, 2007). By 1959, the Tutsis were keen to liberate Rwanda from colonial oppression. This however led to massive killings for the sake of finding this freedom. This liberation made Tutsis dominant thus the forming of the one party state, which was powerful enough to penetrate the whole Rwandan society. To ensure dominance, they came up with ideologies that were against education and the press. To define ethnic boundaries, they came up with a system that involves the use of identity cards to show where individuals belonged. Between 1958 and 1962, there was massive campaign against the Tutsis, which claimed close to 200,000 Hutus as revenge from the Tutsi. Due to the indirect rule, Rwandans came to define their identities due to the idea that a society that everyone must belong to an ethnic group. This led to political divide in that they believed power was a key item in ethnic identity. This evident when in 1990, there emerged real enmity between supporters of then the Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana who was a Hutu and the Rwandan Patriotic Front led by Paul Kagame who was a Tutsi. Due to this rivalry, Juvenal’s plane was shot while in the air and none of the people on board survived. This led to a blame game with the Tutsis being blamed for the assassination. The blame game left women and children at risk since they were the easiest to attack and kill in the name of revenge. Ethnicity played a key role in control of resources during and before genocide. Since independence, the Tutsis enjoyed the monopoly of being the only ones with the power to control the country’s natural

Monday, November 18, 2019

Psychology of Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Psychology of Marketing - Essay Example Herberg’s theory presents a dichotomy for possible resolutions for targeted consumers: satisfaction versus dissatisfaction (Kolter & Keller, 2012; Durmaz & Diyarbakirlioglu, 2011). Consideration of both outcomes is important as neither can apply in the absence of the other. When marketing, it is important to incorporate both sides of the dichotomy in one’s thinking as they almost equally influence the decision made by the consumer. The marketer must not fail to recognize the needs of the consumer, and, consequently, place their product within their list of needs. To achieve this, they must be able to sufficiently but fast introduce the product, and discuss its value in light of the consumer’s current needs in order to make it appealing to them (Bohm, 2012). As such, the marketer’s main pursuit lies in their ability to motivate a consumer so they can get a favorable perception of the product while deciding on

Saturday, November 16, 2019

External environment analysis for Toyota PLC

External environment analysis for Toyota PLC Automotive industry is a large scale of business that the market has altered quickly because of technology, economics, etc. This report is concern about Toyota (GB) Plc that is a large multi-national corporation, which main strategic issues are to be a leader of automotive global market and automotive innovation with respecting environment. Firstly, this section will analyze external environment by the PESTE framework. Secondly, it concern about automotive industry which examined by the five forces framework. Thirdly, it reveals estimation of profitability and efficiency for firms. Finally, it will conclude the assessment of company and recommend the strategy plans for future practice. Company and Industry context For Toyota (GB) Plc, the main activities of the company are distribution, selling and servicing vehicles of Toyota and Lexus brands. Most companies in this geographical market are authorized dealers such as Volkswagen, Ford and BMW and some companies are retail that they sell many brands of vehicle such as Lookers Plc and Arnold Clark Automobile Co., Ltd. Furthermore, the activities provide after sell service, maintenance and selling parts to customers. The macro-environment There are many causes that affect the macro environment concern with automotive industry. Analyzing the external environment, the PESTE framework is used as tools to consider major factors, which affect the business and to create key driver of change (Johnson, Scholes and Whittington, 2008). This can identify influential effects in each area, which can consider key success factors of company. 1.1 Political This factor is most related government policy such as taxation policy and trade tariff. Because manufactures import some vehicles and parts from other countries, firms need to pay for the tariff for buying. Costs of products will be increase, if government increase import tariff. This is the challenge that company faces fluctuation of cost. 1.2 Economics Economic growth affects spending of people by changing buying power, for example, the economic crisis impact decrease of salary, increase of unemployment that people are difficult to buy products because they have less income. 1.3 Social For social factor, some people select to buy products since they can reveal the social status of consumers and some people are still reputation in brands. Moreover, the trend of family structure has changed and customer needs will be different. For example, people who are in nuclear family need to buy the products that can suitable for their family function. Toyota has not only positioned itself in middle market by using the Toyota brand but also launched Lexus for luxury brand which firm has wide range of product. 1.4 Technology Technology is one of the important factors of environmental impact on organizations, technologies change quickly while companies have invested in research and development to respond needs. Innovative technology can provide more opportunities in particular energy conservation issues such as fuel consumption and alternative energy technology. 1.5 Environment The essential of environmental issues is global warming. Many companies try to produce eco-friendly product for following the issues. People concern more about reducing the environmental impacts that companies need to adapt their product to support consumers such as low emission vehicles. Industry sector By using Porters five forces framework, it can analyze the changing of factors and assess profitability of company in industry (Porter, 1998). Focusing on industry sector, it will concern about potential of firms operating similar activities or providing similar products and influence of both suppliers and buyers to quantify the potential of company. Suppliers Threat of new entry Substitutes Competitors rrar Buyers Figure 1: Porters five forces diagram 2.1 Buyer power In automotive industry, it is low switching cost which customers can select variety of products in the same range of price. Each brand provide good offering for propensity customers. Furthermore, buyers have many ways to compare products information. Thus, buyers have high bargaining power. 2.2 Supplier power This subject is not much influence for the firms because Toyota (GB) plc is subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation Japan. Toyota Motor Manufacturing (UK) Ltd is main supplier to produce vehicles for supporting this company. It can be consider a strong supplier. 2.3 Competitive rivalry The automobile has more diversity of competitors which have strong brands of cars in the same class. Ford and Vauxhall dominate UK car market that each of them gains approximately 13% of market share while Toyota has 4.4% in 2010 (AM, 2010). Moreover, the other brands such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi and Volkswagen are also significant competitors because they offer the same range of price and service maintenance cost. Therefore, companies which 2.4 Threat of substitutes The most influence substitute in this industry is Public transportations such as rail, underground subway and bus. These transportations can facilitate people who need to travel that they are not only convenience but also economical price. Thus, it can decrease demand for buying car. 2.5 Threat of new entry It is difficult for new entry to enter into business in this sector since the investment costs are high. For automotive industry, research and development technologies are crucial for gaining advantages that new entrants cannot develop easily. Moreover, firms which are already in market have large effectively distribution channels. Hence, the threat for new entry is high. Company performance Figure 2: Toyota (GB) Plc (Return on capital employed: ROCE) From figure 2, it show that ROCE ratio had a sharp decrease from 2008 to 2009 because of economic crisis, however, in 2010, it continue increase slightly. It seem to be that company can get more return Conclusion For the external environment, this report shows that company should plan to cope with economic change which can affect buying power. However, using technology in the market, Toyota has own advance technology such as technology of hybrid car that can gain more opportunities because people are more conscious about environmental issues. Concern with industry sector the bargaining power of buyer is high and there are more competitors producing similar products that people have more choice to select products. Firm should provide variety of products especiallyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Simpsons :: essays papers

The Simpsons The American animation The Simpsons is now in its 10th season as a show in its own right. It was created by Matt Groening as shorts for the Tracy Ullman Show and was bought by the Fox Network, which began screening it as half-hour shows in 1989. Initially its success was restricted to the 9-16 year old age group, and for animation there is nothing remarkable about this. Its success grew quickly and it is now popular in many countries with many different audiences. "In the 1990s we are seeing dramatic transformations in media industries and media cultures. In geographical terms, these transformations may be seen in the shift from national to global media." The Simpsons can be seen as both a remarkable piece of global culture and as a hugely successful piece of global television. (One need only look on an Internet search engine to discover that there are literally millions of Simpsons fan-sites around the world.). The Simpsons themselves are a simple family in a small town in Middle Am erica called Springfield. They are: Homer (loyal but stupid father), Marge (dissatisfied, trapped housewife/mother), Bart (rebellious son), Lisa (unappreciated genius daughter), and Maggie (silent baby). The show also revolves around a number of other of the townsfolk, such as Mr Burns (Homer's miserly boss), Smithers (Burns's loving assistant), Apu (Indian shop owner), Principal Skinner and Moe (owner of the local bar). There are a number of reasons why we cannot simply view The Simpsons as a cartoon like any other. The rules and conventions that it follows are far more those of television or cinema than those of animation. The humour within The Simpsons exists on many different levels ranging from the obvious to the subtle, from the literary to the movie reference, and beyond. But most importantly we must consider the show's ability to make significant social comment, on general issues of culture and society, but more specifically on television, film and media, and on audience vie wing and acceptance of these media. Traditionally, cartoons have been action driven and animation. Aside from the use of cameras to create the visual illusion of depth (Walt Disney famously explained the 'complicated' technique used to allow Mickey Mouse to walk along a street without distorting depth or perspective), cartoons had a language of their own, unique and separate from that of cinema or television. They were simple and without layered meanings.

Monday, November 11, 2019

How equal opportunities and managing diversity impact on organisations and their HRM practices

Abstract Diversity in organizations has been increasing, especially in the past decade. This has brought about the need for managers in organizations to ensure that they implement effective policies that will not only reduce discrimination but also increase the productivity of their diverse workforces. This report presents a research that was carried out using both primary and secondary approaches to establish the importance of inclusion and diversity management on organizations. Whereas the importance of diversity management is highlighted in this report, there is also evidence that points out the challenges that managers may face in managing diversity. Introduction In any organization, human resources are among the most vital assets to its success. Thus, it is imperative for them to be manages in the most effective manner that will optimize their productivity. One of the trends that characterize the 21st century human resource force in the United Kingdom is the increase in workplace diversity (Michalle & Barak, 2010). The basis of effectively managing diversity at the workplace is acknowledging the differences that may exist among the company’s workforce and implementing workplace practices that create an inclusive environment for all employees. It is worth noting that there are different types of diversity in workplaces. These include gender, race and religion (Poster, 2008). Having able and disabled employees also represents a certain degree of diversity. Effective management of diversity benefits organizations by improving communication among employees and facilitating innovation and diversity. For businesses, having a diverse workfor ce helps in addressing needs of a diverse customer base and thus, an increase in returns (Tarmac, 2012). In regard to this, this report presents findings from primary and secondary research that was carried out to establish the importance of embracing and managing workplace diversity. Research Approach As aforementioned, this research was carried out using both secondary and primary approaches. The secondary approach involved reviewing literature that has been published on various databases about the subject of workplace diversity. A preference was given to peer-reviewed journal articles because of their renowned credibility in terms of the researched information they offer (Yin, 2010). Since the time and resources to carry out an exhaustive primary research was limited, semi-structured interviews were used to collect qualitative data from a seven colleagues in college. The data was collected through an audio recording for further analysis. This approach was selected because it is relatively informal and does not require a lot of time to get the required information (Yin, 2010). FindingsFindings from Secondary ResearchMany researchers have carried out studies the subject of workplace diversity. However, as pointed out by Herring (2009), this concept is relatively new, dating to the 1980s. Some of the factors that have contributed to an increase in workplace diversity include the increased immigration – especially to developed countries – which has led to an increasingly international workforce. The equality campaigns that have been on the increase have also led to an increase the number of ethnic minorities and women in the present-day labour pool. It is evident that if poorly managed, diversity will adversely affect productivity of human resources. Thus, human resource managers in organizations ought to implement effective diversity management practices so as to turn diversity into an advantage (The Times 100, 2013).Importance of Managing Workplace DiversityWith the ever increasing diversity in global population and workplaces, it is vital to establish the benefits of managing diversity. Michalle and Barak (2010) argue that diversity increases the productivity of employees. This is because of the fact that a diverse workplace comprises of different talents, skills and experiences, and if these differences are combined and directed towards the achievement of a common goal, it is certain that it will be advantageous to the organization. In another research on workplace diversity, Herring (2009) established that effective management of a diverse workforce increases creativity and problem solving. By treating contributions of every employee at the workplace as important, regardless of their experience, race or gender, useful insights about how to approach a certain task in the organization can be found. Organizations that fail to take advantage of the diversity in their workforces may lock out ideas from employees that may be of phenomenal importance to the progress of the company. Companies that have created a reputation for effective management of diversity have the advantage of attracting and retaining a diverse workforce, which comes with diverse talents and capabilities. Inclusion in the workplace motivates employees by creating in them a sense of belonging. Acknowledging diversity in the workplace motivates the employees and also increases their levels of commitment towards the organization. In a study carried out by Groeneveld (2011) on management of workplace diversity and its impacts on employee turnover, he established that companies adhering to diversity policies in recruitment and other human resource management practices in their organization had much less cases of employee turnover than those whose diversity management approaches were not as ideal. Given that diversity will be almost inevitable in future, organizations have to ensure that they put the most effective diversity management practices in place. There is also a legal advantage of manag ing diversity in organizations and encouraging inclusion. Application of appropriate approaches in diversity management limits the chances of lawsuits by employees that feel excluded (Michalle & Barak, 2010). Not only does this save money that could have been spent on litigation expenses, it also creates a positive reputation of the organization to a wide range of stakeholders. Tadmor et al. (2012) argue that companies that target a market with diverse customers greatly benefits from employing a diverse workforce. For instance, if a company has a marketing team that comprises of people from different races, religions and genders, the possibility of such a team attracting a wide range of customers is higher as compared to a team that consists of people from the same gender, race or religion. Thus, effective diversity management may increase the returns of a company by attracting more customers.Challenges of Workplace Diversity ManagementEven though management of diversity has many ad vantages for employers and employees in organizations, Canas and Sondak (2010) argue that there are several associated challenges. Management of diversity involves the recognition of the value associated with the differences in the workforce, promotion of inclusiveness and elimination of any kind of discrimination that exists in the workforce. Ensuring that all these aspects of management are exhaustively addressed may be challenging for human resource managers, especially when diversity among employees is quite extensive. Some of the disadvantages that are associated with poor workplace diversity management include increased employee turnover, lack of synergy and ineffective communication among employees, and an increase in the chances of companies facing lawsuits and negative publicity (Tarmac, 2012). A recent example of a diversity issue that tainted the image of an organization took place in 2011, when a Liverpool hospital placed an advertisement for job vacancies. In their cond itions for application, the included as statement that referred to equal opportunities as â€Å"usual rubbish† (Hough, 2011). Even though the statement was replaced after negative feedback from the public, it has drawn negative attention from different parts of the world, which has also affected reputation of the hospital. For effective diversity management, Herring (2009) suggests that managers have to first understand the diverse needs of their employees and identify areas from which discrimination may arise. They should then create the ideal policies that will ensure inclusiveness in the organization.Findings from Primary ResearchTo establish the impacts of equal opportunities and diversity management in the workplace, mixed reactions were obtained from some of the peers that were interviewed. Whereas two of them were of the view that ensuring workplace inclusion may be unnecessary for organizations, five of the respondents were for the idea that managing diversity is amon g the most important human resource management practices of the 21st century.Responses in support of Workplace DiversityOne of the questions that the subjects were asked was how diversity may affect the productivity of an organization. In response to this question, one of the respondents, who is a proponent of diversity argued, â€Å"There is no way that a company in the 21st century can survive without having a diverse workforce. Diversity does not only exist in the colour of the skin or the language we speak. Everywhere in the UK, there is diversity in religion, gender, and generations. What companies ought to do is agree that diversity is inevitable, and find ways to deal with it for their own advantage.† This response indicates that there is widespread knowledge about diversity and organizations ought to device the necessary approaches to increase productivity of their diverse employees. Another respondent added â€Å"Diversity in the workplace is good. Though it may be difficult at the start, continued co-operation with team members from different backgrounds makes it possible to understand and appreciate one another. If I am offered a job in two companies, one with a good reputation of inclusion and another known for discriminating against some workers, I will definitely choose the one that has created a reputation of inclusiveness†Responses against Workplace DiversityIn response to the same question on how diversity may affect productivity of an organization, another respondent who thought diversity is overemphasized argued, â€Å"I think diversity in organizations is a good thing, but organizations ought to focus more on merit. If I have vacancies in my company and I am looking for the best employees to fill those positions, I should not be forced to select a ‘diverse workforce’ because the policies say so, instead, I need to select the most qualified candidates. If the most qualified candidates are from the same gender, eth nic or religious backgrounds, I should be free to hire them. This whole diversity debate may not be as constructive as we think it is.† The response given by this respondent is also quite sensible, which indicates that there are some disadvantages that are associated with workplace diversity policies. Findings from primary research, as indicated, were mixed. Whether the response provided by the respondents supports or is against the importance of diversity in the workplace, they both acknowledge the existence of diversity issues in the 21st century. However, most of the respondents were in support of the implementation of appropriate diversity management strategies. This indicates that equal opportunities and management of diversity in organizations is among the most important practices in present-day human resource management. With a projected increase in levels of diversity in the UK population, as well as other parts of the world, it will be inevitable for organizations to have a diverse workforce (Canas & Sondak, 2010). Conclusion The 21st century has been characterized with a phenomenal increase in diversity among population across the globe, which has also affected the composition of employees in many organizations. This research had the aim of establishing the importance of inclusion and the management of diversity in organizations. Even though some disadvantages of employee diversity were established from the primary and secondary research that was carried out, most of the respondents and all the secondary sources accessed indicated that inclusion and diversity management is a very vital human resource practice. From the findings of the research, one of the recommendations that can be made for human resource managers is that all employees have to be informed on the importance of workplace diversity and how to effectively collaborate with their workmates from different backgrounds and gender. References Canas, K.A. & Sondak, H., 2010. Opportunities and challenges of workplace diversity. New York: Prentice Hall. Groeneveld, S., 2011. Diversity and employee turnover in the Dutch public sector: Does diversity management make a differenceInternational Journal of Public Sector Management, 24(6), pp.594-612. Herring, C., 2009. Does Diversity Pay?: Race, Gender, and the Business Case for Diversity. American Sociological Review, 74, pp.208-24. Hough, A., 2011. NHS hospital ‘usual equal opportunities rubbish’ job advert sparks investigation. The Telegraph, 5 September. Michalle, E. & Barak, M., 2010. Managing Diversity: Toward a Globally Inclusive Workplace. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications. Poster, W.R., 2008. Filtering Diversity : A Global Corporation Struggles With Race, Class, and Gender in Employment Policy. American Behavioral Scientist, 52(3), pp.307-41. Tadmor, C.T., Satterstrom, P., Jang, S. & Polzer, J.T., 2012. Beyond Individual Creativity The Superadditive Benefits of Multicultural Experience for Collective Creativity in Culturally Diverse Teams. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43(3), pp.384-92. Tarmac, 2012. Diversity and inclusion policy. [Online] Available at: http://www.tarmac.co.uk/about_us/about_tarmac/idoc.ashx?docid=ffe70bb0-4510-476a-8dd4-b352a63c1b48&version=-1 [Accessed 26 February 2014]. The Times 100, 2013. Competetive advantage through diversity. [Online] Available at: http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/tarmac/competitive-advantage-through-diversity/conclusion.html#axzz2MxtlEGBP [Accessed 26 February 2014]. Yin, R.K., 2010. Qualitative Research from Start to Finish. New York: Guilford Press.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

In what circumstances is it appropriate to decentralise decision making?

Decentralisation of decision making is the process of involving different people in an organization in making key changes whether these changes are policy based or otherwise, different levels of management are involved and their expertise and opinion is sought before any changes are enacted. There are 2 key decisions making methods in an organisation, namely centralized and decentralized, In the latter, only the top management is involved in making key changes and decisions which affect the whole organization. This system is advantageous in that, it is faster, reliable and less tasking. While it is still used in majority of organizaions, most organizations are shifting to the decentralised method and therefore are involving different levels of management in the decision making process. This system is ideal in a number of situations as explained below. Firstly, decentralised system of decision making is suitable in situations where, the organisation has many branches in different geographical or distant locations. This is usually necessitated by the fact that, there arise emergency situations whereby key and quick decisions have to be arrived at and therefore contacting the central decision making authority within a short period of time is out of question question. Secondly, decentralised decision making process is preferred when an organisation is experiencing major staff turnover and their fore lack of key management staff through sackings or retires or any other natural attrition method warrants decisions to be made irregardless. Thirdly, decentralised decision making process is ideal whereby, key decisions are being made at departmental levels such as in production department. Empowering departmental heads to make key decisions perhaps pertaining to the purchasing of crucial ingredients as well as other technical areas may require a decentralised decision making model. PAGE 2: Organisational culture can present difficulties for management initiated change programmes? Discuss Organisational culture refers to the employee – employer relations which shape how the two parties interact and intermingle at the work place. Also, organisational culture can be shaped by, employee backgrounds, external factors as well as the level of support accorded to the employees by the organization staff. Usually there are two common types of organisational cultures namely, positive and negative culture. The first one affects management initiated programmes in that, employees experiencing this kind of culture are more likely to accept any changes in the organisation as usually there is a good blood between the two parties which therefore translates into a strong trust, and mutual understanding. In such an environment, any changes coming from the management whether good or bad are welcomed without any queries and are looked at as being beneficial to the employees. This in turn leads to failure of pragrammes initiated by the management in that, as long as the staff who are tasked with project implementing do not question anything in terms of abnormalities and even if there are clearly missing facts, this is never realized until it is too late therefore causing programme failure. On the other hand an organization culture which is negative leads to customers shunning away so that, any well meant programmes will be fail to take off since, negative publicity which the employees can advance in the process of interacting with the different stake holders also does have a bearing on the outcome of the projects. Lastly, organizational culture determines output in workers in that, a negative attitude amongst employees is more likely to lead to low output in that, it is highly correlated with low morale and therefore productivity. PAGE 3: Discuss why managerial authority is so important to our understanding of organisations and how this power has to be legitimised not just by individual workers but by the organisations culture. Failure to appreciate managerial authority stems form a negative culture which in stead of pestering a mutual understanding between workers and employers causes tensions and misunderstandings in an organization. Usually, for the organisation to meet its goals and objectives the management has to execute its duties well just as stipulated in functions of management. This involves carrying out duties and responsibilities which must be commensurate with the corresponding authority. In situations whereby managers are allocated duties and responsibilities without proper and clear cut, authority to accompany it, the management becomes ineffective and this contributes to failure of many organizations. Therefore, there is a need for decision makers while allocating managers duties to weigh the responsibilities and duties assigned to employees versus the authority and power required to execute the roles and responsibilities effectively. To achieve the above, management should work towards having and inculcating in the organization, the right culture. This can be achieved (if it is lacking), through the launching of strategic plans which could incorporate vision and mission statements, core values of the organization as well as the social responsibility statement of the organization. All the above are necessary in ensuring that, the organization functions in the right environment whereby the needs of all members in the organization are taken care of and employees feel free and as a part of the organization. This in turn result into a culture of unity and strength.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Comparative Politics US Vs. Mexico

Comparative politics US vs. Mexico This paper will discuss the similarities and differences between the United States and Mexico’s Political parties, including there history and current political make-up. It will also include a brief History of the country as a whole. Britain’s America’s colonies broke from British rule in 1776 and where recognized as the new nation of the United States of America following the Treaty of Paris in 1783. The Original 13 colonies became the original 13 states that formed the new country. Since then they have added 37 new states to bring the grand total to 50 states and 1 district. Current population of these 50 states is 280,562,489 people as of July 2002 (TWF 2002). The United States has a Population growth rate of .89% (TWF 2002). The average Life expectancy at Birth is 77.4 years (TWF 2002). Mexico came under Spanish rule for three centuries before achieving independence early in the 19th century. Mexico is currently mad up of 31 states and one federal district. Current population of these 31 states is 103,400,165 as of July 2002 (TWF 2002). Mexico has a growth population rate of 1.47% (TWF 2002) the average life expectancy at birth is 72.03 (TWF 2002) As you can see by the above numbers The US and Mexico have some similarities in regards to population growth and life Expectancy. The large gap is when they achieved independence and the actual population with The US having a 180 million people advantage. This contrasting number could be a direct reflection on the size of the two countries Mexico is approximately 1,972,550 Sq Km or slightly less than 3 times the size of Texas. Whereas the United States is approximately 9,626,091 Sq Km making it the 3rdlargest country behind Canada and Russia. Mexico and the United States both operate a Federal republic style of Government. The US however is well steeped with a strong democratic tradition whereas the Elections in July of 2000 for Mexico ar... Free Essays on Comparative Politics US Vs. Mexico Free Essays on Comparative Politics US Vs. Mexico Comparative politics US vs. Mexico This paper will discuss the similarities and differences between the United States and Mexico’s Political parties, including there history and current political make-up. It will also include a brief History of the country as a whole. Britain’s America’s colonies broke from British rule in 1776 and where recognized as the new nation of the United States of America following the Treaty of Paris in 1783. The Original 13 colonies became the original 13 states that formed the new country. Since then they have added 37 new states to bring the grand total to 50 states and 1 district. Current population of these 50 states is 280,562,489 people as of July 2002 (TWF 2002). The United States has a Population growth rate of .89% (TWF 2002). The average Life expectancy at Birth is 77.4 years (TWF 2002). Mexico came under Spanish rule for three centuries before achieving independence early in the 19th century. Mexico is currently mad up of 31 states and one federal district. Current population of these 31 states is 103,400,165 as of July 2002 (TWF 2002). Mexico has a growth population rate of 1.47% (TWF 2002) the average life expectancy at birth is 72.03 (TWF 2002) As you can see by the above numbers The US and Mexico have some similarities in regards to population growth and life Expectancy. The large gap is when they achieved independence and the actual population with The US having a 180 million people advantage. This contrasting number could be a direct reflection on the size of the two countries Mexico is approximately 1,972,550 Sq Km or slightly less than 3 times the size of Texas. Whereas the United States is approximately 9,626,091 Sq Km making it the 3rdlargest country behind Canada and Russia. Mexico and the United States both operate a Federal republic style of Government. The US however is well steeped with a strong democratic tradition whereas the Elections in July of 2000 for Mexico ar...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Learning organization and human motivation Essay - 2

Learning organization and human motivation - Essay Example of Excellence, Tom Peters speaks of eight themes which the successful companies adopts and two of them focus on the optimisation of human capital – Autonomy & entrepreneurship through fostering innovation and nurturing champions and secondly productivity through people (Peters & Waterman 1982). Achieving innovation and continuous development through workforce involvement and commitment has become a challenge, which organizations seeking to excel, has to address as a top priority. Employee commitment is the most potent competitive driver an organisation can develop for pursuing its objectives and harnessing employee commitment involves creating an environment, which allows for autonomy and achievement. Flexibility among the workforce is critical for developing lean and effective organisational structures which is critical for organisational excellence (Peters & Waterman 1982) High performance work teams are the norm of today’s successful companies where the team members perform multitasks on highly flexible work agendas. Employee creativity is developed and nurtured by those organisations that recognise the potential for breakthrough products and process innovations. Such companies as 3M which is placed at the forefront of innovation, capitalises on its employee creativity and promotes it through policies as the â€Å"15% rule† allowing time for pursuing personal projects. The manager who wants commitment, flexibility and creativity from employe es is therefore advised to provide them with lots of learning opportunities. As per the management guru, Peter Senge, â€Å"If a seedling has no room to grow, it will never become a tree.† (Senge 1990) Providing a workplace environment, that promotes learning opportunities through innovation, creativity, participation and autonomy addresses the motivational needs of the employees. Motivational theories as Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs as well as Alderfer’s ERG Theory both identify people’s desire for growth and self

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Construction contract Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Construction contract - Assignment Example Engineers are opting for NEC because it is more flexible and can suit the whole construction industry. It is also highly adaptable, provides a range of options for risk allocation. Compared to other construction contract forms, it is the simplest using understandable language where the roots of many disputes have been left out. The use of flow charts also makes it more clear and easy to use. In this paper, the core clauses of NEC and FIDIC are compared with particular emphasis to the core risks and insurance. NEC assigns risks cover according to contemporary principles. Nevertheless unlike FICID, it defines the contractors’ risks in reference to those risks not listed under the employers’ risks. Under NEC conditions, the responsibility of care of the contractor goes beyond the completion of a contract. In the clause 80.1of NEC 3, the employers risks are articulated. They are categorized into six broad groups which include: one, risks involving the site or works and the legal and general liabilities and defaults that may arise from his design. In cases of risks that may crop up from the employer design fault can be insured against through a professional indemnity policy. If it is the employer own design or covered by NEC professional service contract where an outside contractor is involved. In dealing with unexpected situation, NEC has a range of provisions offering compensation for the events or occurrences that are at the employer’s risk. This goes a long way in assisting the project manager and contractor to man the construction projects without being obscured by these events. In the sub-clause 60.1 provision for variations are made where the contractor may request for extension of time for completion and even addition of payment. In such cases, the contractor only articulates his desire for time extension or rising of payment in a quotation. In sub-clause 61.6, affirms that in instances where the results of compensation of an event are