Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Findings From My Current Research Indicate That It

The findings from my current research indicate that it is true that poor nutrition negatively affects the academic performance of the students. Also, the study shows that when the students are given meals with good nutrient content, it is significant because it supports their growth and development as well as improve their cognitive development (Langford, et. al, 2014). The study showed that majority of the students who performed poorly in their tests are the one that is fed in meals that lack nutrients. Those participants who prefer nutritional choices that are full of fruits and vegetables recorded better academic achievements. Since the study reveals that poor nutrition contributes to the poor academic achievement of the students, the†¦show more content†¦al, 2014). This survey did not assess the associations between academic performance and health of the students. Most of the policy makers and researchers have focused more on the perspective for health to enhance intellectual function, academic performance and learning among school going children. These studies have shown that well-being and health are important aspects required for appropriate learning (Jensen, 2013). On the other hand, numerous researchers had acknowledged the association between poor nutrition and school performance among children. This means that the kind of food children consumers may affect their school attendance, attention and concentration on class, cognitive development, and even academic achievement (Luo, et.al 2012). A study conducted by Bradley Greene (2013), has revealed that poor nutrition among the school going children is the cause of health problems which hinder learning in schools. For instance, when some children possess auditory and vision impairment due to malnutrition, their learning is greatly affected, and this can contribute to poor academic achievement. The recommendation from the study indicates that to improve the quality of education and academic performance of the school-going children; there should be efforts to enhance the health and nutrition status that theShow MoreRelatedPolitics And Politics Through The United States Citizenship, Involvement ( Cid ) Survey1469 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction and Research Question I have chosen to analyze the topics of trust and politics through the United States Citizenship, Involvement (CID) Survey. The paper is composed of four segments; theories and hypotheses, data and methods, findings and discussion. I will be exploring further how one’s ability to trust other individuals and their frequency in watching news programs about politics and current events plays a role in trust in Congress. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Examine the Different Methods for Giving Constructive...

Unit 9: Mini-essay: Examine the different methods for giving constructive (practical) feedback to learners and discuss how these can motivate learners. Giving constructive feedback is crucial; without it learners cannot learn (Rogers, 2004). When used to emphasise progress rather than failure, it motivates learners, building confidence and enabling them to recognise mistakes as part of a process that brings them closer to their learning goals. It can help both teacher and student to identify further learning opportunities or action to be taken. Feedback can be formal, such as after marking an assignment or observing practice, or given informally during a lesson (Gravells, 2012.) It can also be written or verbal. Written feedback†¦show more content†¦This boosts morale by giving the student ownership of the solution. It also develops a student’s ability to carry out future self assessment and encourages reflection. Lastly, it allows the teacher to gauge how much the student has understood. This helps when setting future goals that are challenging but achievable – crucial to engagement. Focusing on only two or three key points during feedback means students are not overwhelmed by any critical comments, preventing them from becoming dispirited (Avis, Fisher and Thompson, 2010). There is also a limit to how much new information a learner can grasp at once. Praising what the student has done well, outlining areas that need further development and then ending on another positive note will motivate the student and help prevent them focusing on any aspect they may perceive as negative. Petty (2009) says this makes feedback sound more like advice and less like criticism. For oral feedback to be constructive, it must be clear, jargon free, factual and provide reasons for any success or failure so that students can act upon any areas that require improvement. This is supported by research conducted by Weeden, Winter and Broadfoot (2000 cited in Avis, Fisher and Thompson, 2010, p.172) involving 200 learners, aged from eight to 19. The study found that simple comments, ticks or evaluative comments such as â€Å"good work†, while welcomed byShow MoreRelatedPtlls Level 311404 Words   |  46 Pagesin the society. It is more than simply lecturing and marking students works. Learners come from different backgrounds and with different problems, hopes and expectations which have to be understood and addressed before effective learning can take place. As such in addition to my primary role of being a facilitator, I will have to play the roles of parent, psychologist, protector, motivator, role models to some learners. I will also have to collaborate with some agencies and organisations in orderRead MoreRoles and Responsibilities of a Teacher9859 Words   |  40 Pagescovers the application of learning styles to identify the differences of my learners. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Contemporary Diversity Issues in Communication Free Essays

If there is one particularly adverse effect of globalization, that is the homogenization of culture and the subservience of minority or ethnic cultures and languages under the dominant one. It is a phenomenon that if allowed to continue unabated can lead to the extinction of minority languages and culture, which in effect can lead to the loss of the uniqueness that renders individuals with their own creative individuality. In a world that purports to celebrate diversity, it is ironic that communication seems to be leaning towards homogenization or standardization of forms. We will write a custom essay sample on Contemporary Diversity Issues in Communication or any similar topic only for you Order Now Globalization necessitates the need for the homogenization of communication because in an age of international businesses, language diversity can hinder trade relations and transactions. Using one form of communication facilitates interaction and leaves very little room for misinterpretation. Languages develop out of the user’s need to express themselves. As such, it is fair to say that all languages are equal. This equality means that all languages, regardless of their characteristics and linguistic qualities, all meet the social and psychological needs of the users. (Crystal, 1987, p.6) They are tailor made to the unique circumstances of the people and culture that created them. In the face of unrelenting globalization, these unique languages and cultures are giving way to a standard form. The standard form imposes itself upon other languages in the form of linguistic prescription or prescriptive norms in culture, defining a standard form or ways of doing for a specific purpose or activity. Prescriptive norms serve as a controlling force that is exerted by the community over its members (Punder 2000, p. 141), and globalization imposes the homogenization of language and culture to facilitate communication and relations. While the usefulness and convenience of having a standard language or culture, particularly in a business environment, cannot be dismissed, this way of thinking brings to the table a lot of complications; not the least of which is stereotyping and its resultant complications like cultural and political discrimination. As John Fought (2007) once said, â€Å"Language has always helped to signify who we are in society, sometimes serving as a basis for exclusion. † The determination of the use of a standard language is largely a function of political and economic power, in an act of acknowledgment of a certain culture’s dominance over the rest. A standard form of language and culture will be of no use when there is no variation in the first place. There is a need to standardize because the diversity in our languages requires us to lessen the confusion and make for efficient transaction of our ordinary activities and important businesses. Because language is a fundamental aspect of culture, it is therefore only natural that we become defined or identified by our native language. Difficulties can arise if we are not fluent in the standard language being used in a particular place. In such cases, when we do not know the standard form of communication, we are immediately labeled as â€Å"foreigners†, or not born native to the place, a label that carries with it an entirely new set of biases and stereotypes that limits the opportunities that would have otherwise been available to the individual. The need to conform is related to the prestige that is associated with being able to act and communicate according to the dominant language or culture. (Abrams et al 2005, p. 120) Related to the issue of race is the issue of social class. There are some people who have more linguistic powers at their disposal and are able to use this fluency to their advantage. (Bonfiglio, 2002, p. 12) Fluency in language often connotes good breeding and education. Conversely, if you have difficulties in the standard language, other people will consider it as a statement of weakness or lack of social status. Of course it should also be said that the bias also goes the other way. In most third-world countries, those who speak a foreign language or have foreign accents are considered first class citizens and are given preferential treatment in all aspects of their functional activities. What we speak and how we speak, reflects our history as an individual. How we speak makes a statement about who we are as a person and a measure of who we could be Either way, these stereotyping based on one’s communication style is very counter-productive and corrosive to the individual. Aside from discrimination and stereotyping, homogenization of communication is also adversely affecting the rich diversity of our world’s languages, particularly on dialects. As prescriptive norms of standardized communication forms threaten the extinction of minority languages and dialects, it also slows language change. Language change is a natural process in the evolution of our languages. Language is constantly in flux, ever adapting to the needs and realities of the times. It ever-changing and shifting its form, evolving in a process that is very much akin to natural selection. Language change is not so much a preference over one language variant, but the removal of a language that is socially inappropriate or no longer useful, for some reason or another.  (Lippi-Green, 1997, p. 173) With the presence of a homogenized form of communication and culture, the normal evolution that should have taken place to strengthen local languages and make them constantly relevant has been forcefully suppressed by the imposition of a uniform language or code that is universal to all situations. In light of this, language change becomes almost unnecessary because the homogenized form of communication has removed the necessity for the local language to adapt because the change has been imposed artificially by the dominant culture. Globalization presupposes the interaction of various cultures. Over man’s collective history, culture exchange has resulted in the constant evolution of cultures as it gets constantly exposed to another culture. This is a two-way process that enriches the culture of all those involved. In a process called acculturation, a certain group of people imbibe new ways of doing without necessarily changing their distinct identity. Acculturation represents the adaptation of a certain culture to change but keeping their culture uniquely their own. However, in this age of homogenization, acculturation has come to mean the slow erosion and subservience of the ethnic culture under the dominant one. (Castro 2003, p. 19) Thus, acculturation can be considered as a process of culture change where the foreigners or minorities must adapt in order to survive. In other words, this refers to the homogenization of communication and culture in order to flourish in a global community. This discourse does not mean to present language and cultural homogenization in a bad light. In some cases, such homogenization is truly necessary to facilitate communication and exchange similar to what a standard currency will do. What is important to remember is that a standard form of communication can be learned without having to sacrifice our own native languages and culture. Our ability to learn a language is elastic, and we can speak as many variations without necessarily affecting the other. To learn one form of language does not necessarily mean that we have to supplant the old one.. In an era of globalization where the language of trade becomes the dominant form, the ability to communicate in the standard language is a definite advantage. However with that being said, the value of the mother tongue should never be forgotten. The respect that we have for our own cultural heritage renders us with our own unique identities. And in an era of globalization, where everything is being homogenized we need to hang on to that identity or stand to lose everything about ourselves that makes us special, and thus indispensible to our community. How to cite Contemporary Diversity Issues in Communication, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Comments on Mona Lisa Smile Essay Sample free essay sample

The narrative took gait in 1953. when the 2nd women’s release bit by bit arisen. However. some educational establishment in American. expecially Wellesley College. the most conservative college in the state. still doggedly performed the mission that male society endowed: to cultivate adult females with both moral unity and professional competency. When Katherine Watson. a first –year instructor from Oakland State. who ever sought truth beyond tradition. got a place in the Art History section in Wellesley College. contradiction between her feminist idea and pupils under the influence of male jingoism was stirring. Most of pupils in Wellesley College were good educated with all right household background. They gave Katherine a cautiousness in the first category. In their head. the definition of success was to get married a good adult male and the function they born to make full was to be a good married woman. In this conservative state of affairs. Katherine tried to open her students’ head to make whatever they want. She encouraged her pupils to be themselves. to go professionals in field they loved. to better their economic hereafters. It seemed that she used her art learning as a vehicle to set across her sentiment to the immature adult females that adult females were non born to go homemakers and female parents. Katherine wanted to do a difference and make more things in life instead than entirely follow the functions of married womans and female parents. I can neer bury she showed her pupils carcase by Soutine 1925. and said. â€Å"There’s besides no text edition stating you what to think† . In those misss sentiment. the carcase can non be called art ; â€Å"there is something aggressive about it and erotic† . I asked myself. what is art? Can a conservative creative person go a successful creative person? I can neer bury. in one scene of the film. she showed her pupils four newspaper ads. and asked what future bookmans would believe of the thought that adult females were born to be homemakers and female parents. From her tearful eyes. I can see outrage. perplexity. and weakness. I can neer bury she introduced Van Gogh. who refused to conform his ideals to popular gustatory sensation. who refused to compromise his unity. to her backward-looking pupils. When Van Gogh alived. no 1 thought Sunflower was a art. but after his idioctonia. the Sunflower became world-famous. Katherine was merely like another Sunflower. who was resisted by standpatter. If she was non retentive plenty. she would be strangled. There was no uncertainty that Katherine’s ways of learning were contrary to school’s managers. who believed steadfastly that Katherine should merely learn art alternatively of utilizing category to distribute her point of position. The conservative headmistress warned Katherine she would lose her occupation if she non alter herselve to suit in Wellesley. There were legion unreasonable treaties in Katherine new contract. including â€Å"you can learn merely the course of study as outlined by the section ; all lesson programs must be submitted at the beginning of every term for approve and alteration ; you shall non supply advocate beyond her ain topic for any pupil at any clip ; you will agreee to keep a stricty professional relationship with all members of the faculty† . Katherine choosed to go forth finially. but her independent. creativity. adamancy. and loving bosom so made a difference. It was Katherine that helped pupils in Wellesley College agitate off the yoke of traditional Feudalism. I am happy to see that Betty marched toward her ain life courageously. and no thirster was in the charge of her female parent. Katherine lelt Wellesley College with smiling. which was so warm that affected many people. including me. Eight old ages ago. I have a good friend named Lucy. whose household ties ever made her somber. Her male parent had sweetheart ectad and hadly went place. When he return place. there must be a drastic war. Her hapless female parent ever grined and beared it. I had of all time asked Lucy’s female parent why she didn’t acquire a divorce. In fact. she could populate a happy life independently. She had a good occupation with high income and had no demand trusting on her hubby. She said she could bear any grudge every bit long as Lucy had a integrated famiy. When I was immature. I regarded her as a great female parent for her jet of forfeit. However. when I grew up small by small. I realized that her forfeit was meaningless. It is no good to hold a place which exists in name merely. It brought to kids merely agony instead than felicity. Lucy was driven to terrible depressive unwellness and barely pass on with any one. expecially her female parent. It was Lucy’s mother’s forfeit and patience that ruin Lucy and herself felicity. Last winter holiday. I visit Lucy and her female parent. Lucy had discontinued her surveies due to her depressive unwellness. although had of all time been a top pupil. Her female parent. who was of all time a beautiful adult females with professional competency. had lost occupation and became more decrepit than adult females in her group of age. How can a female parent. who ever inhibit her desire to seek happy life. convey up a mentally wellness kid? How can a kid cultivited a healthy head educated by a imbalanced and painful female parent? How can a individual who non loves herself loves others? How can a adult females who dares non be herself becomes succeful? In fact. the calamity is inevitable owing to Lucy’s Mother’s traditional idea. Womans are neer inferior compared with work forces. They are non appendage of work forces. although the narrative that Adam’s rib created Eve are still widely circulated. We have right to make what we want. to seek freedom. felicity. success. What we need is independent personality instead than blind patience. I don’t average being a homemaker was bad than being a able adult females or celebrated adult females. I merely hope that whatever pick we had made. we are ever loyal to our head. instead than other thing forces us to do determination. Like Joan. although she eventually gave up endeavor and chosen household. can we state she was wrong or unsuccessful? Everyone has right to chossen their ain route. Populate our lives by our ain definition. and this is life.