Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Do Video Games Support Violent And Terrorist Acts Essay

â€Å"Do video games support violent and terrorist acts†? â€Å"Do video games influence those into conducting sexual and racial abusive actions†? â€Å"Do video games worship Satan†? These are but a few controversial questions that I have heard throughout my lifetime when it comes to video games. Whenever there seems to be some sort of problem that had occurred, there is always some way to put the blame on video games. Whether or not that they had some sort of influence, it would seem that gaming has always been some sort of escape goat for anything wrong in the United States. And for those who didn’t play video games during their time, they would fall victim to the stereotypes, and they would be blinded onto seeing the other side of gaming. And in doing so, this would lead them to become a person with a fixed mindset about it. Simply talking about gaming as if it was nothing but a problem really makes you wonder of those who actually support gaming. And for those who do fall victim of a fixed mindset, they would believe that these are nothing but young children who needs to be controlled. However, that simply is not true. As a matter of fact, there are those who not only support gaming as a part of our arts and culture now, but also as a source for creativity. Not only that, but thanks to gaming, we are now able to become even more connected around the world and exceed our technological capabilities, as well as a given opportunity to get a job online as a web influencer. I was able toShow MoreRelatedControversial Level in Call of Duty Essay1391 Words   |  6 PagesAs an avid video game enthusiast it is always fascinating to witness the gaming world evolve as modern technology seems to continually outpace expectations of what can be reproduced in a virtual medium. Gone are the days when a fraction of the entertainment world included lazily playing pong or pac-man on a cumbersome arcade console. 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