Thursday, March 19, 2020

Julius Caesar, Mark Anthonys speech Essay Example

Julius Caesar, Mark Anthonys speech Essay Example Julius Caesar, Mark Anthonys speech Paper Julius Caesar, Mark Anthonys speech Paper Essay Topic: Julius Caesar After analysing Mark Anthonys speech at Julius Caesars funeral, I have come to some conclusions about the persuasive techniques used by Shakespeare to manipulate the crowd within the story and to turn the plebeians against Brutus and the other conspirators. The speech is also used to stop the commons making Brutus Caesar. Brutus has allowed Mark Anthony to give a speech at Julius Caesars funeral but only after Brutus has given his side of the story, by now Brutus has all the commons/plebeians support. During his speech Brutus offers his life. Mark Anthony starts his speech with the words You gentle Romans this sounds as if he is taking pity on them immediately drawing their full attention to him. Next he addresses them as Friends, Romans, countrymen this is appealing to their consciousness as citizens of Rome Brutus but also by addressing them using the three words it becomes more personal instead of everyone. Immediately Mark Anthony states his reason for his presence this being that he has come to bury Caesar, not to praise him, this is because the commons have turned against Caesar and so do not want to hear good of him. Also by saying this it put Mark Anthony on their side. It is at this point were told that while good is buried with the dead the evil lives on after them. This tells the commons that what Brutus has done will long be remembered whereas the good Caesar did Rome will be forgotten quickly. Like it already has. After this Mark Anthony says that Brutus Believed Caesar to be ambitious, if so it were, it was a grievous fault and grievously hath Caesar answered for it by using if Mark Anthony questions Brutuss judgement but also it seem as if Caesar died for this mans judgement. We are also told that he speaks under the watch of Brutus and the rest this told more subtly that Brutus is not in this alone. For Brutus is a honourable man so are they all; honourable men this is this is a use of sarcastic / ironic language telling us that Brutus is not the only instigator within this conspiracy. Another way he manipulates the crowd is by using the pattern of three, this technique is used to state something good about Caesar, then to compare it against the point that Brutus believed him to be ambitious. Then lastly he tells us that Brutus is honourable. This is another use of ironic language as Mark Anthony is comparing the truth about Caesar against Brutus opinion of Caesar But then pointing out that Brutus must be right as everyone thinks he is an honourable man Another reason for Mark Anthonys choice of words in this passage is that he is able to state firstly that he is not allowed to speak his mind as he is under the watch off Brutus. This also tells us that Brutus is higher up than Mark Anthony. Irony comes in to the speech because if Brutus was truly honourable then he would allow for Mark Anthony to speak freely, this shows the plebeians that Brutus is obviously not honourable and that they were wrong in thinking he was. Repetition Mark Anthony sounds very sincere when he says, The noble Brutus hath told you Caesar was ambitious For Brutus is an honourable man. This makes Mark Anthony seem a friend of Brutus allowing him to gently sway the crowd but also this tells Brutus that he is speaking no bad of him. He repeats that statement three more times becoming increasingly sarcastic, saying finally, Yet Brutus says he was ambitious, and Brutus is an honourable man. Since the people responded positively to Brutus speech, Anthony could not insult Brutus honesty in a direct manner. But instead Anthony disproves Caesars ambition with three examples. One is when he gave the ransom of captives to the public treasury and not his own, another when he cried with the poor people, and finally when he refused the kingship that Anthony offered him, three times. Anyone who was ambitious would never have done any such things. Anthony says, I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke. but in fact this is exactly what he does. When giving his speech Mark Anthony repeats the names of the instigators especially Brutus and the fact that they are all so honourable. He does to state their reputation but in fact showing the crowd that they are not honourable at all this when stating he fears to do them wrong, or He was my friend, faithful and just to me Mark Anthony has made the speech more effective by talking from personal experience and so it can not be argued as this is fact unlike Brutus reason as his is an opinion. Rhetorical One technique used by Mark Anthony is rhetorical questions. These are used when questioning Brutus Was this ambition? this is used after 3 sets of poses/pattern of three when has been built up. The second rhetorical question is when Mark Anthony asks the crowd what cause withholds you then, to mourn for him? Already answered it in the question Used for dramatic effect use of impressive language By saying this he has shown the crowd that they are allowed to mourn Subsequent to this Mark Anthony gives the answer to his rhetorical question. He does this by speaking to the crowd indirectly by addressing their judgement O Judgement thou art fled to brutish beast, and men have lost their reason. By speaking indirectly to them he states that brutish beast (Brutus) has stolen their judgment/reasoning and that there is no reason for them, not to mourn. Imagery Rhythm/rhyme Poetry Emotive language As I have already said unlike Brutus appears arrogant and forceful Anthony, who is an emotional and sincere speaker, his speech comes from the heart and personal experience this to the crowd is easier to accept and is more forthcoming. The will Mark Anthony has the will of Caesar, which he reads to the commons during his speech but the timing is crucial He introduces the will almost half way into his speech when the plebeians hear of this they want to hear it this is when Mark Anthony uses it to his advantage as he is able to keep their attention for his whole speech but he is careful not to read it b4 then otherwise they may leave so he keeps it until the very end of his speech when the anticipation has been built up, using it as a climax to his speech so that when the commons leave this is what they will remember most of all. Theatrical pause Just after Mark Anthonys use of emotive language he give a theatrical pause this is to allow the plebeians to gather their thought and to reflect/contemplate on what he has just said. It also gives time for them to form a group opinion (one that is in his favour) The Cloak Is another dramatic device used in Mark Anthonys speech to manipulate the crowd in to turning against the conspirators. He now shows the physical evidence by putting his finger through the hole of the stab wounds that were made by Brutus and the other conspirator this enrages the commons making. Once more Mark Anthony speaks to the crowd O what a fall there was, my countrymen? Then I, and you, and all of us fell down This addresses them as countrymen appealing to their socialist morals to come forward and revolt but also he is naming himself a countrymen. Mark Anthonys choice of words are very important in this speech good friends, sweet friends, let me not stir you up To such a rage of mutiny by introducing the idea of mutiny in the commons heads, the next time Mark Anthony has taken a theatrical pause, theyve decided to mutiny. This shows that he has spoken to turn the crowd against the conspirators. Brutus is respected by the public and is very well known and so he has a reputation for being able to speak, Mark Anthony uses this to his advantage I am no orator, as Brutus is; but (as u all know me) a plain blunt man. By telling the crowd this he is automatically giving Brutus the advantage making him look the underdog. For I have neither writ word, nor worth, action nor utterance, nor the power of speech, to stir mens blood. Here he has separated himself from the crowd that is about to mutiny. Let me not stir you up to such a sudden flood of mutiny, But were I Brutus and there were an Anthony ruffle up your spirits, and put a tongue in every wound of dead Caesar, that should move the stones of Rome to rise and mutiny. Here he subliminally told the crowd to mutiny and rage. Being the last to speak, the crowd listen to him Mark Anthony is a very honourable soldier who is loyal to anyone in power. He was a great friend to Caesar and thought very highly of him. He is extremely angry at Caesars death. He is a very cunning man as can be seen in the second part of the scene and he is able to manipulate people. He cared a lot for Caesar and as a result he grieved a lot when Caesar was killed. Because he was very close to Caesar he wants revenge and, although he can hide it, has a lot of hatred for the conspirators who killed Caesar. At first it seemed that he was so upset that Caesar had died that he would wish to die also. However, later he seems to decide that revenging his death would be a better way. He knows the conspirators only as other Romans, he does not know them as friends and knows very little about them. As a result he may not know about Cassius cunning mind that has already discovered Mark Anthonys plan for revenge.

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