Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Compare and Contrast Hinduism and Islam Essay - 872 Words

Religion: Hinduism and Islam Every society is based on different religion. Different people follow different types of religion according to their birth or by choice. The major religions of the world are Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Judaism. Each religion is similar and different from one another in terms of festivals, practices and beliefs. Apart from Christianity, Hinduism and Islam are the two most widely practiced religions in the world today. They have their own traditions, beliefs and practices. These two religions are similar to some extent and differ in terms of the God they worship, religious text and the place where they offer their prayers. The major difference between Hinduism and Islam is the God†¦show more content†¦For instance, The Ramayan, the story of Ram and Sita, and The Mahabharat, the story of the Kauravs and the Pandavs, are epic tales that teach people about the way of life a person should lead. Conversely, Muslims have only one religious text called the Quran. It is considered literal undistorted word of god, and is regarded as Gods final revelation to humankind and view it as the closest thing to a part of God in the world. Quran also talks about the relationship between God and his creatures and also about wisdom, doctrine, worship, and law (Understanding Islam and the Muslims). Besides that it teaches Muslims about the complete way of living their lives. It teaches discipline to be followed everyday which helps the Muslims to make their life easy. Although Hindus believe in many religious texts at the same time Muslims believe in only one text. Moreover, all of these texts try to teach their followers the same thing about the general way of living and about the general behavior and conduct expected from individuals at different times in their life. Similarly, Hindus and Muslims differ in terms of the place where they offer their prayers. Hindus offers prayers at Mandirs popularly known as temples whereas Muslims offer prayers at Masjids popularly known as mosques. As Hindus believe in offering prayers to statues and posters, each mandir is dedicated to a specific god or goddess andShow MoreRelatedCompare and Contrast: Hinduism and Islam2308 Words   |  10 PagesHinduism and Islam: Compare and Contrast It is universally known that religious faiths creates diversity in culture and give new identity and outlook to matters signifying a new way life. In most cases, religious faith is accountable for people’s behavior in conducting daily activities including business, work, socialization, and cultural functions within a specified community. The immensely large majority of the human species has always looked to a higher power for acceptance, love, enlightenmentRead MorePower of Religion in Yann Martels Life of Pi Essay example1039 Words   |  5 Pagesincluding Christianity, Hinduism, and Islam. 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